Cindy Milner
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
- Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD)
- Certified Dietitian Nutritionist (CDN) in New York State
- BS Dietetics and Nutrition, WV Wesleyan College
- Dietetic Internship, Emory University School of Medicine
- MSEd in Health Education, SUNY at Cortland
Professional interests:
Cindy enjoys working with the diverse student population at Cornell. She aims to provide nutrition education and counseling that considers the unique needs and goals of the individual. She believes fostering a healthy food-relationship and creating a sustainable pattern of eating is foundational for overall quality of life, as well as, physical and mental health.
Her primary areas of practice include eating disorder/disordered eating care and sports nutrition. She has been a Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD) since 2007 and, previously, taught Sports Nutrition at Ithaca College. Additionally, Cindy has experience in many areas of nutritional care including; pre-diabetes/diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, cardiovascular nutrition, and bariatric surgery nutrition (pre- and post-surgical care).
Personal interests:
Outside of work, Cindy loves biking, walking, swimming and just being outside! She loves hanging out with friends locally and travel – especially travel to see friends or family.