Fact Sheet Library
This Fact Sheet Library contains a comprehensive, alphabetized, list of Cornell Health fact sheets and informational cards on a wide range of topics.
The list below can be sorted by Category (e.g., "Mental health & well-being") and by Keywords (e.g., "asthma").
- Acne
- Acute Neck Pain
- ADHD Evaluation and Support
- ADHD: Guide to Understanding
- Advocacy for Victims
- Affordable Food Resources
- Alcohol & Athletics: 3 Things Varsity Athletes Should Know
- Alcohol & Biology: Why Biology Matters When it Comes to Drinking
- Alcohol & Other Drug Services
- Allergic Rhinitis (Allergies)
- Ankle Sprain
- Anxiety Tracking Log
- Assertive Communication Skills
- Asthma
- Birth Control Pill: What to Do if You Missed
- Birth Control Pills
- Caffeine Use: Tips for Reducing
- Calcium, Vitamin D, and Bone Health
- Cannabis: What to Know, When to Cut Back
- Caring for an Upper Respiratory Infection
- Change: Exploring the Pros & Cons
- Chlamydia
- Clinical Attendant Card
- Collaborative Health and Eating Program (CHEP)
- Concussion: Personalized Recovery Instructions
- Concussion: Recovering From
- Condoms & Lubricants
- Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
- Constipation
- Contraceptive Patch
- Contraceptive Ring
- Cough
- Crutches: Using
- Daily Log
- Dating App Tips
- De-Stress Without Tobacco/Nicotine
- Depo-Provera
- Depression Cycle
- Diaphragm Use
- Diarrhea
- Eating Disorders
- Eating Disorders: How to Help a Friend
- Emergency Contraception (How to Choose)
- Emergency Contraception (Now That You've Purchased)
- Emotional Support Animal Resources
- Expedited Partner Treatment (EPT)
- Fever
- Gastroenteritis
- Gender-Affirming Hormone Guide: Estrogen plus Androgen-Blocking
- Gender-Affirming Hormone Guide: Testosterone
- Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy
- Gender-Affirming Services
- Genital Variation
- Gonorrhea
- Grief & Loss
- Habit Change Worksheet
- Healthy Eating
- Healthy Food Relationship
- Hepatitis C Testing
- Herpes
- High Blood Pressure
- HIV Testing
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
- Influenza ("the flu")
- Influenza & Flu Vaccine
- Iron Deficiency & Anemia
- IUD Placement (You & Your IUD)
- IUDs (About Intrauterine Devices)
- Latex Squares
- Laxative Use
- LGBTQ+ Services
- Low Back Pain
- Managing Anxiety & Panic
- Massage Therapy
- Meditate! It's Great for Mind & Body
- Meningococcal Disease (meningitis)
- Mental Health Support
- Mind-Body Connection
- Mononucleosis
- Mood Tracking Log
- MRSA: (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Nexplanon
- Non-Hormonal Contraceptive Options
- Patellofemoral Pain
- Patient Isolation
- Pelvic and Vulvovaginal Pain Resources
- Periods: Absent or Irregular
- Positive COVID or Flu Test?
- Post-Concussion: Return to Learn / Return to Academics
- Pregnancy: Early Pregnancy Guidelines
- Pregnancy: Health Issues to Consider When Planning
- Premature Ejaculation: Gaining Control
- PrEP for HIV Prevention
- Preventing Back Pain
- Preventive Care Visit
- Progestin-Only Oral Contraceptives (Minipills)
- Rabies: Postexposure Vaccine
- Relaxation Techniques
- S.M.A.R.T. Goals
- Self-Exploration
- Sensate Focus
- Sensuality Boosters
- Sexual Assault: Helping a Friend
- Sexual Assault: What to Say & Do to Support a Friend
- Sexual Health Care
- Sexual Health Care: STI Overview & Contraceptive Methods
- Sexual Pleasure: Finding the "Sweet Spot"
- Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Testing
- Sickle Cell Trait (Testing for Athletes)
- Sleep Tips: Let's CU Sleep!
- Sore Throat
- STI Prevention & Safety Tips
- Stress Management
- Syphilis
- Teladoc Health
- Termination of Pregnancy
- Tobacco & Nicotine: Support for Quitting
- Travel Services
- Travelers Beware: International Insect Diseases
- Travelers Prepare: Packing a Medical Kit
- Tuberculosis (TB) at Cornell
- Upper Respiratory Infection (Common Cold)
- Urge Tracking Log
- Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
- Vaginal Health: Maintaining
- Vaginal Yeast infection
- Vomiting: Self-Care
- Vomiting: Self-Induced
- Ways to Respond to Weighty Remarks
- Winter Blues