Cost for Service

Cornell Health Billing Office

Contact our Billing Office at 607-255-7492 or email with questions about Cornell Health copays, bills, and the student health fee

Student Health Benefits

Contact Student Health Benefits with questions about Cornell's health insurance requirements, Student Health Plans, and dental and vision coverage. 

Information for Ithaca students 

The following information applies to students studying in Ithaca (and on the nearby Geneva campus). Other eligible users of Cornell Health services should refer to information for visiting students and non-students.

Cost-for-service overview 

  • $10 for most Cornell Health visits
  • No cost for some services including select counseling services and preventive medical visits
  • Additional costs may apply for pharmacy prescriptions, some lab tests, most immunizations, and travel medicine
  • No cost for COVID-19 or flu vaccination

  > See details below

Insurance billing 

ALL registered students can use Cornell Health's services, no matter what health insurance you have. 

Cornell Health will bill your health insurance plan (in-network OR out-of-network) as the primary payer for medical and psychiatry services received on campus (most counseling services as well as sexually transmitted infection [STI] screenings are excluded from insurance billing). Remaining costs for most services are capped at $10. Learn more on our Insurance & Billing page.



Your cost

MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES (in-person & telehealth)
Access appointmentsNo cost
Individual counseling appointments$10 / visit
Group counselingNo cost
Let’s Talk consultationsNo cost
Workshops No cost
Community referral support No cost 
MEDICAL VISITS (in-person & telehealth) 
Visit for an illness, injury, or other medical concern$10 / visit
Visit for preventive care (including sexually transmitted infection [STI] screenings) No cost
Nutrition services $10 / visit
Physical therapy services$10 / visit
Mental health medication management appointments$10 / visit
Behavioral Health Consultation (BHC) appointments$10 / visit
Mental health medication management appointments$10 / visit
Travel medicine servicesDepends on your insurance coverage*
Massage servicesSee massage rates
Procedures during visitsNo cost
Medical supplies connected to visitsNo cost
X-rays No cost
Lab tests completed during medical visitsNo cost
Lab tests completed by LabcorpNo cost for STI testing; costs for other tests will depend on your insurance coverage*
COVID-19 vaccinationNo cost
Flu vaccination No cost
HPV vaccinationDepends on your insurance coverage*
Other vaccinations (including required immunizations)Depends on your insurance coverage*
Pharmacy prescriptionsDepends on your insurance coverage*
Student Disability ServicesNo cost
Victim Advocacy servicesNo cost

*Your cost will vary depending on your insurance plan’s design (including copayment, coinsurance, & deductibles). For example, if you have a high-deductible health plan, your costs might be higher for these services. Students enrolled in Cornell's Student Health Plan (SHP) typically have low-out-of-pockets costs. Review your health plan information for details.

Additional charges

Complex physicals: Standard physicals and other preventive visits have no cost. There is a $50 administrative fee for complex physicals (those that require extensive paperwork, such as Peace Corps physicals). Your paperwork will be reviewed at a preliminary visit, and you will be alerted in advance if your physical exam will require the fee.

Missed-appointment & late fees: A $25 fee will be charged for missed appointments, and those cancelled after 8:30 am the day of the appointment. This applies to both in-person and telehealth appointments. [See Appointments]

Payment options & billing information

Students are automatically Bursar-billed for most Cornell Health charges, unless you request to pay online through myCornellHealth. Pharmacy payments may also be made in person at the pharmacy by debit/credit card or Apple Pay. Learn more on our Insurance & Billing page.

Questions about costs & coverage

  • If you want to know ahead of time how much a Cornell Health service, test, procedure, prescription, or medical supply will cost, please call our Billing Office at 607-255-7492.
  • If you are enrolled in Cornell's Student Health Plan (SHP) and have questions about your coverage, please contact Student Health Benefits.
  • If you have other insurance and have questions about your coverage, please refer to your plan information or contact your insurance company. 

Financial hardship

Inability to pay should never be a barrier to receiving care at Cornell Health. If you have concerns about health care expenses, please discuss them with your health care provider or a Billing Office staff member (607-255-7492 or before or during your appointment to learn about options for assistance. Options include a copay fee waiver for the visits that typically include a $10 copay. 

Other resources include First Generation & Low-income Student Support, offered through the Office of the Dean of Students. Undergraduate students may also consult with the Office of Financial Aid. International students may consult with the Office of Global Learning.

Students who have concerns with medical costs accrued from a non-Cornell healthcare provider in the community may benefit from support from the Human Services Coalition of Tompkins County's Community Health Advocates.

More information

  • Visit our Student Health Fee page for information about the Ithaca/Geneva-campus health fee
  • Visit our Cornell Tech page for health fee information for students at Cornell Tech and in other New York City-based programs
  • Visit our Insurance & Billing page for information about:
    • Student insurance requirements
    • Insurance billing
    • Payment options
    • Confidentiality of billing and Bursar bill statements